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What is luffa and what is it used for?

Natural and biodegradable scourer.

March 31, 2021

Its scientific name is cylindrical Luffa, and it comes from the Cucurbitaceae family. It is a tropical plant native to Southeast Asia, which requires abundant heat and humidity to develop.

Its fruits, measure about 30 centimeters and have an appearance and taste very similar to zucchini. In fact, in some countries in Asia and Africa, they collect them before they mature and consume them as food.

On the other hand, when the fruit of the luffa ripens, it becomes a fibrous material that is the one used as a vegetable sponge and natural body scrub.

These vegetable sponges are known as luffa, loofah, gherkin, sponge scourer (in Colombia), Estropajo (in Mexico), Musú (in the Dominican Republic), Paste (in Costa Rica), Buchados Paulistas (in Brazil) ...

These are some of the names we have learned thanks to the comments of those who read us. If you know someone else, we would love to know


These are for us its most interesting features:

  • Luffa sponges are 100% natural and 
  • They are much more durable than traditional sponges made of different plastics.
  • They are produced by hand.
  • They are perfect for use with solid soaps and thus reduce the use of plastics in the bathroom.
  • They do not leave any harmful residue on our skin.
  • They stimulate blood circulation.
  • They prevent the accumulation of fat and the appearance of 
  • They 

exfoliate the skin naturally and carefully.

  • They control and prevent the appearance of acne and blackheads.
  • They act as a muscle relaxant.
  • They prevent the 
  • They can also be used in animals.


Yes, in east coast of Mexico, and more specifically in Veracruz. Here vegetable sponges are the largest luffa producer in the country.

In its sustainable plantations, no chemical is used for its cultivation since respect for nature and the land is a priority for the company that harvests them.

In addition, being a totally biodegradable and toxic-free product, they themselves reuse the natural waste that is generated to return them to their crops once they have been composted. In this way it is possible to close the life cycle of the plant itself as it began.

In addition, there are luffa sponges manufactured using extra soft luffa fiber, specific for sensitive or especially delicate skin.

If you want to see the different types of sponges made from luffa, you can take a look in our online store.


We love how versatile the luffa is because in addition to being a body sponge, the whole fruit can be used as a scrubber for the kitchen or for the bathroom. Because it is a natural and biodegradable scourer, when used, we are not generating any type of waste that is harmful to the environment. Just the opposite is the case with life-long scourers.

Surely you have the image of a scourer, when it is already so worn that it has worn parts and some holes. That moment just before throwing it away and replacing it with a new one.

Have you ever wondered where that plastic has gone that is no longer in place?

All these holes have been detached day after day in the form of microplastics that are transported with tap water. These small particles that are often imperceptible to our eyes, go directly to the pipes and end up polluting the seas.

Therefore, for us, luffa scourers are undoubtedly the best sustainable substitute for conventional scourers. Have you tried them yet? Did you like them? Leave us a comment to share your experience with us.